So prom was 9 days ago today, and we thought it would be an appropriate time to post pictures now. I didn't really go into detail a week ago, but prom day/night went a little something like this:
-prom prep actually started on the thursday night, with mary anne spending 4 hours doing mine and kristin's nails... patience of a saint i tell you!
-got up at the crack of 930-ish to go get my hair straightened
-chilled out at home until 345 p.m., at which point my mom did my makeup and i got into my dress
-went to my friend's house for pre-prom pics and all that fun and awkward posing
-drove to andrew haydon park, only to be informed via cell phone (by charlotte) that we were now meeting at the sailing club (still do not know why)
-took about 40000 or more pics, with all my friends looking gorgeous/handsome (people really do clean up when necessary ;P)!
GLEE!!!!! <3

english buddies!!! <3
the three amigos, aka CFM at their best. :)
-by now it was around 6, and after a close call with fatima (she can explain that if she wants), we ended up waiting 40 minutes longer than necessary for our ride, aka OC Transpo bus, because OC Transpo did not plan ahead very well
-so we get to prom 20 minutes late, and somehow disperse our group of 30 to various tables (thanks Tammy)!!!, and then came the food....
-yum yum, the appetizer was Caesar salad, followed by a main course of salmon-stuffed chicken, with mashed potatoes and some veggies, and then the dessert of dark chocolate mousse
-->let me just say the mousse and the salad were the best parts for me. so gooooooddddd......
-then we watched a slideshow of all our years at STP, and danced the night away on the smallest dancefloor known to man
-by 9 p.m. (prom supposedly ended at 1030), 95% of the grade 12's had ditched to go get "ready" for after-prom
-that left our group making absolute fools of ourselves and loving every minute of it, not to mention having our beloved teachers as our witnesses (they did not seem to mind in the least though :D)
fatima was just gettin' her groove on...
yeah don't mind me just singing to myself...
-so we got gipped at 1015, when DJ PAT (!) stopped the music, and we had to go wait in the lobby to go home
-the bus actually came on time, and we all piled on the freshly-cleaned bus, and sang some good old childhood classics (among other things) to pass the time
-after-prom was an impromptu, but very entertaining, night at our friend nathan's, consisting of excess amounts of guitar hero, mario kart, pizza and other surprises
All in all, prom was an unbelievable (in a good way) night, and it felt great to just let loose. :D
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo, melissa
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