So let me catch you up on some of the exciting things that are happening:
Party tomorrow night with all my high school buddies (uber excited!) I'm probably going to die doing DDR and Rockband while eating excessive amounts of pizza! I'm so excited to see everyone again and I can assure you that there will most definitely be a show down of school spirit: Carleton U vs. Ottawa U.
Ravens going head to head with the Geegees. Its going to be a battle of epic proportions!
Back to the blogging world:
Anyways as Room 139 promises to blog about celebrities, fashion and anything else really here's my latest take on fall fashion:

Lots and lots of boots! I honestly can't get enough of them, though I do currently own over six pairs. Yet I'm still dying to get another!
Apart from boots I'm totally loving the new shipment of 3.1 Phillip Lim Fall series at Barney's, all the greys and charcoal blacks are sending me into a freinzy! And BCBG's Knit Wear, to die for!
As for news on celebrities:
You may not be familiar with him but he is a world wide known designer, having offices in New York City and Milan. He is an Alumni from Carleton University's School of Industrial Design, and he is none other than Karim Rashid! I remember seeing him on fashion television and the Design show but never thought I'd ever see him in person, but I will :) He's doing a lecture and presentation at Carleton University in November and I can't WAIT!!! After third year I hope to intern with him! It would be such an amazing experience.
Blog about it later,
Looks like we gave up on the blog then eh?
- Sincerely, 2011.
Greetings from June 2011!!!! :)
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