So my mom and I came back on a Friday night (and I drove all the way home!!!) and then it was off to my bf's place for 8 days on that Sunday. The weather was terrible meeting up with him, but I had such a spectacular time, I can't wait to go back. :)
We somehow did groceries, considering his idea of grocery shopping is standing in an aisle for 3 hours trying to remember what he needed in the first place. It was funny watching him try to shop, and I couldn't help but think he was cute. We went for a drive on tuesday night, which was really relaxing and a nice change from being in the house all the time, and on Wednesday night we went to see The Expendables, a movie I didn't think I would enjoy but that was really good. Action and bits of comedy all rolled together into one.
Thursday was officially his long weekend away from work, so what is an electrician/handyman to do with all his spare time? Work on his house of course. He ripped out the old siding around his garage and put in freshly painted cedar wood, which looked amazing at the end. Then we got pizza and some beer and chilled the rest of the night. :)
The weekend was packed with boats, boats and more boats, and exploring the islands around Lake Simcoe, islands I never knew existed after all these years. I met so many great people and the memories made were filled with laughs and fun times.
So this post is shaping up to be a novel, but unfortunately I'm not even close to done (well, maybe I am). So I got back from Lake Simcoe 13 days ago, only to go home and pack, pack, pack for the next 4 days because I moved to Guelph!!! Now 4 days seems like enough right?? Well wrong actually, when you consider that most of that time was taken up by hanging out with friends one last time and going to last-minute appointments. Oh the joys of having braces and prescription meds.
Finally the big moving day came, with Fatima to thank for helping me get organized on my last night. There were tears and laughs and a lot of driving, but now I am finally settling into Guelph. I must say I'm nervous about all the work I have to do in the coming months, but hopefully things will work out for the best and I will be successful in my future endeavours. Guelph is a great place to be and I couldn't be happier with the decision I made.
Much love to all my friends back in OTTAWA!!! I love and miss you all and will see you soon. :) <3
xoxoxo, melissa
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