So sorry for not posting more, but university has taken a turn down the road of "no more spare time" and "reading lane". Trying to stay on top of all the readings has been insane! And I'm failing at it.
Living in rez has been FANTASTIC, love my floor and my roomie :)
I've already won $50 in giftcards since I've been in rez and I have yet to spend any of it. I haven't been to any crazy parties yet, considering I go home on the weekends, I kind of miss out on them.....Oh well.
I'm already getting sick of the cafeteria food and that reminds me, that I should probably go for lunch before my next class.
Blog about it later
time to crack down...?
So I see my 2 other better halves have not been able to blog recently, so I though I may as well let you guys know that we haven't fallen off the face of the earth or anything.
University is getting more overwhelming by the minute, as I have been watching the labs, quizzes, papers, and the unspoken everyday homework we are supposed to do just pile up. Chemistry is well, tiring. Enough said. I think I am still trying to find my golden studying technique or hoping that I will be sitting in class one day and just have an epiphany. Either way, I suppose the key to success is just staying on top of my classes and always being one step ahead. If I can keep up to begin with.
The partying is well, there. I don't think there has been a night without a party in my tower come to think of it. But the people here are pretty chill and I am really thankful for my room in the penthouse (6th floor) for when those crazy nights get a little too out of control. Plus, I finally got my cable hooked up a week ago!! I love having a tv, despite the distraction it may be. It is nice just to relax and unwind with one of my shows or just watch mindless tv to help you fall asleep.
So I guess I will leave you guys with that, hopefully there are a select few of you out there that are still following this blog!! To whoever is, thanks so much for continuing to support us!!
xoxoxo, melissa
University is getting more overwhelming by the minute, as I have been watching the labs, quizzes, papers, and the unspoken everyday homework we are supposed to do just pile up. Chemistry is well, tiring. Enough said. I think I am still trying to find my golden studying technique or hoping that I will be sitting in class one day and just have an epiphany. Either way, I suppose the key to success is just staying on top of my classes and always being one step ahead. If I can keep up to begin with.
The partying is well, there. I don't think there has been a night without a party in my tower come to think of it. But the people here are pretty chill and I am really thankful for my room in the penthouse (6th floor) for when those crazy nights get a little too out of control. Plus, I finally got my cable hooked up a week ago!! I love having a tv, despite the distraction it may be. It is nice just to relax and unwind with one of my shows or just watch mindless tv to help you fall asleep.
So I guess I will leave you guys with that, hopefully there are a select few of you out there that are still following this blog!! To whoever is, thanks so much for continuing to support us!!
xoxoxo, melissa
Cottage, O-Week, and everything in between.
Hey guys!!!!! So it's been a month (yes, a MONTH) since I have last blogged, but boy do I have a lot to talk about now.
So The Rideau Lakes resort was amazingggg! And the American couple we met there 2 years ago just happened to be up that week as well! We went walking with Chinook to the Locks, she went swimming, our friend's dog (our friend Suzanne came up for a night) fell in the locks, I nearly fell in trying to save the ball, and I'm pretty sure I flashed everyone watching the chaotic scene as a result. I also learned how to play this card game called Pay The Man, and let me tell you, it is one intense game, and really hilarious when you get to watch your mom slowly drift away from reality because she is drunk out of her mind. Speaking of intense games, BINGO is one crazy game when you're playing for money. I swear the same people kept winning and by the end of it there were a select few that I wanted to get even with lmao.
Oh and the best part was by far when I dropped my cell phone in the lake, while fishing with Suzanne. At first I was in shock just staring at my phone siking farther and farther into the lake, and when I finally realized what was happening, it was too late. I definetely learned my lesson though: never put valuable electronics in a flimsy cardigan pocket.
So my mom and I came back on a Friday night (and I drove all the way home!!!) and then it was off to my bf's place for 8 days on that Sunday. The weather was terrible meeting up with him, but I had such a spectacular time, I can't wait to go back. :)
We somehow did groceries, considering his idea of grocery shopping is standing in an aisle for 3 hours trying to remember what he needed in the first place. It was funny watching him try to shop, and I couldn't help but think he was cute. We went for a drive on tuesday night, which was really relaxing and a nice change from being in the house all the time, and on Wednesday night we went to see The Expendables, a movie I didn't think I would enjoy but that was really good. Action and bits of comedy all rolled together into one.
Thursday was officially his long weekend away from work, so what is an electrician/handyman to do with all his spare time? Work on his house of course. He ripped out the old siding around his garage and put in freshly painted cedar wood, which looked amazing at the end. Then we got pizza and some beer and chilled the rest of the night. :)
The weekend was packed with boats, boats and more boats, and exploring the islands around Lake Simcoe, islands I never knew existed after all these years. I met so many great people and the memories made were filled with laughs and fun times.
So this post is shaping up to be a novel, but unfortunately I'm not even close to done (well, maybe I am). So I got back from Lake Simcoe 13 days ago, only to go home and pack, pack, pack for the next 4 days because I moved to Guelph!!! Now 4 days seems like enough right?? Well wrong actually, when you consider that most of that time was taken up by hanging out with friends one last time and going to last-minute appointments. Oh the joys of having braces and prescription meds.
Finally the big moving day came, with Fatima to thank for helping me get organized on my last night. There were tears and laughs and a lot of driving, but now I am finally settling into Guelph. I must say I'm nervous about all the work I have to do in the coming months, but hopefully things will work out for the best and I will be successful in my future endeavours. Guelph is a great place to be and I couldn't be happier with the decision I made.
Much love to all my friends back in OTTAWA!!! I love and miss you all and will see you soon. :) <3
xoxoxo, melissa

So my mom and I came back on a Friday night (and I drove all the way home!!!) and then it was off to my bf's place for 8 days on that Sunday. The weather was terrible meeting up with him, but I had such a spectacular time, I can't wait to go back. :)
We somehow did groceries, considering his idea of grocery shopping is standing in an aisle for 3 hours trying to remember what he needed in the first place. It was funny watching him try to shop, and I couldn't help but think he was cute. We went for a drive on tuesday night, which was really relaxing and a nice change from being in the house all the time, and on Wednesday night we went to see The Expendables, a movie I didn't think I would enjoy but that was really good. Action and bits of comedy all rolled together into one.
Thursday was officially his long weekend away from work, so what is an electrician/handyman to do with all his spare time? Work on his house of course. He ripped out the old siding around his garage and put in freshly painted cedar wood, which looked amazing at the end. Then we got pizza and some beer and chilled the rest of the night. :)
The weekend was packed with boats, boats and more boats, and exploring the islands around Lake Simcoe, islands I never knew existed after all these years. I met so many great people and the memories made were filled with laughs and fun times.
So this post is shaping up to be a novel, but unfortunately I'm not even close to done (well, maybe I am). So I got back from Lake Simcoe 13 days ago, only to go home and pack, pack, pack for the next 4 days because I moved to Guelph!!! Now 4 days seems like enough right?? Well wrong actually, when you consider that most of that time was taken up by hanging out with friends one last time and going to last-minute appointments. Oh the joys of having braces and prescription meds.
Finally the big moving day came, with Fatima to thank for helping me get organized on my last night. There were tears and laughs and a lot of driving, but now I am finally settling into Guelph. I must say I'm nervous about all the work I have to do in the coming months, but hopefully things will work out for the best and I will be successful in my future endeavours. Guelph is a great place to be and I couldn't be happier with the decision I made.
Much love to all my friends back in OTTAWA!!! I love and miss you all and will see you soon. :) <3
xoxoxo, melissa
First off, move in was quite painless and I'm loving my new room, and room mate.
Secondly, I'm super excited to tell you guys all about the last two days, which is the debut of my university career.
After moving in there were multiple activites for us to participate in. I ended up doing the Carleton University Residence Scavenger Hunt and BINGO (at which I've won a $25 gift certificate to Starbucks *woot*)
Today was the official opening of Frosh week. I'm doing the general frosh, and this year's theme is Circus. I'm on the Lions team. We had a BBQ to kick off this evenings events which included a Ravenpalooza, a peprally, a soccer game against Ottawa U and we beat them (2-0). I think that success was due to our extensive spirit and cheers. And lastly, a Much Music Video Dance Party :)
Super fun and I'm extremely exhausted so...
Blog about it later,
Secondly, I'm super excited to tell you guys all about the last two days, which is the debut of my university career.
After moving in there were multiple activites for us to participate in. I ended up doing the Carleton University Residence Scavenger Hunt and BINGO (at which I've won a $25 gift certificate to Starbucks *woot*)
Today was the official opening of Frosh week. I'm doing the general frosh, and this year's theme is Circus. I'm on the Lions team. We had a BBQ to kick off this evenings events which included a Ravenpalooza, a peprally, a soccer game against Ottawa U and we beat them (2-0). I think that success was due to our extensive spirit and cheers. And lastly, a Much Music Video Dance Party :)
Super fun and I'm extremely exhausted so...
Blog about it later,
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