Man oh man, I think it's been a good month since I've blogged.
Yeah, let's just say A LOT of things have happened since then.

First of all, I went to Toronto (Lake Simcoe) for a week in mid-July to visit my godfamily. Now since I've grown up, I just haven't really been feeling the cottage scene, until this summer. Long story short, I met (well met again, more in-depth) our neighbour across the street who happens to be my godmother's nephew and it turns out we've been dating for 3 weeks now. That week was probably one of the most tumultuous, crazy-good, and romantic weeks I have ever had in my life. It was so fun to just be up in the country and swim in the crystal-clear, sandy bottom lake almost everyday, relaxing in the hammock or just enjoying the scenery from Mike's backyard.

I honestly believe I fell in love with the countryside for the first time in my life, because the feeling I got was unexplainable and I just can't wait to go back (in 11 days, actually :D:D). So I got back home, feeling lonely and trying to get used to the fact that I was in a relationship, and having to face my mom. (Did I mention that he's 5 and a half years older than me)? But let me just say, I can't thank my mom enough for being there for me over the past 6 or so months. She really has been having a hard time getting used to me growing up and moving on with my life (trust me, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it). But she is doing the best she can, and I really appreciate having her there to talk about anything and giving me the freedom I need.
So for the Civic Holiday weekend, Mike surprised me and came up to visit for 3 days! I got to show him around Ottawa and we got to talk a lot and just enjoy each other's company. It was a great time. And my friends (Char and Fatima) have been a constant of course, hanging out, SHOPPING (I'm literally penny-pinching off my mother right now), and workk!!!!!!!!!
4 days from now I will be done done done!!!!!!!!!! No more Timothy's, although I must say it has been a hell of a ride and I will miss everyone. On Monday my mom and I are going up to a resort on the Rideau Lakes for a week, then I have a birthday to come back to, and then I'm off to Lake Simcoe to see the bf! :)
This summer has certainly shaped up to be one of the best I have ever had, and I just hope they keep getting better.
xoxoxoxoxoxo, Melissa
P.S. School shopping has definetely been a source of my debt, I really understand the concept of money being here one minute, and gone the next.