Hey guys here are the questions you asked and we answered; read on :
Q1: Describe your ideal man (characteristics), keeping in mind that it has to be somewhat possible.
C: Um.....I've always had this thing for broad shoulders on guys... Ideal man: creative and atheletic, good sense of humor and adventurous :)
F: I definitely fall hard for the sweet and generous type and I really like a good smile. I would want someone who loves to laugh and also loves to either play and/or listen to music.
M: Good sense of humour, understands my sarcasm, has nice eyes, physically attractive (as long as we're being honest here), accepts all of my flaws, is caring, spontaneous, adventurous, compassionate and wears lederhosen.
Q2: What are your top 3 favourite bands?
C: Mariana's Trench, Down With Webster and Faber Drive
F: Avenged Sevenfold, Stars go Dim and Red Hot Chili Peppers
M: Backstreet Boys, Hall & Oates, Down With Webster
Q3: Favorite food in the whole wide world!?
C: SUSHI!!! I love unagi and the maki rolls. So good =D
F: Fettuccine Alfredo. I could eat that any day, any time and any place.
M: Oh man, ummmm, Dairy Queen cheeseburgers or lahanodolmades (greek cabbage rolls with a delicious white cream sauce).
And a little something you may not know about us.....
C: I did ballet for 4 years before quitting because I thought it was uncool and my parents made me choose two extracurriculars for the rest of that school year.
F: I am a registered citizen of the United States and a citizen of Texas, which was where I was born.
M: I speak Greek and have 5 siblings.
A little something ♪ over the rainbow ♫
After work, my mom and I rushed down to Lebreton Flats to see a free concert featuring Nikki Yanofsky and Time for Three. It was FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved Nikki, she's so talented and wonderful. In between songs she'd talk a bit about herself, try to speak in french and was ever so cute. I love that she's so down-to-earth and easy going. She is so gorgeous and so lucky to be dressed by DSquared, I absolutely loved her outfit tonight which was a black sequin dress. Though I do find that she wears way too much black for a 16 year old.... When she sang I Believe, it was wonderful! Even better than the recording, she's just so talented, I wish her the best of luck in the future!!
Here's a video about her from CNN, she's amazing and I'm proud to say that she is a CANADIAN!!! =)
And here is her FIRST ever music video, and at the concert tonight, she said that the director had given her casting papers to choose the guy in the video, (she made a great choice ;P ) but sadly she said that he arrived on set... with his GF.
"A girl can dream"
-Nikki Yanofsky
Get to know us!
Send us questions you would like to ask us and we'll respond to them (providing that they're appropriate) in a post :)
Just put your creative minds together and leave your questions in the comment box!
thx, Charz
Just put your creative minds together and leave your questions in the comment box!
thx, Charz
Me and My Boredom
I'm currently watching storm clouds swirling and rolling on by. I have this weird fascination in watching storms, the lightening strikes, the sounds of thunder, simply mesmerizing!
Unfortunately I didn't end up working today due to this lovely weather; there goes my $82 =(
But I did get some stuff done over the course of three days (Mon-Wed)
Cleaned and cleaned. My room is, well was, spotless and all my clothes has been placed back in my closest and such.... The kitchen is clean of my baking mess and the bathroom is rid of my clutter on the counter tops. Soccer in the evening, sadly we lost once again.
Got inspired by Threadbangers to make some plush toys. I made these three little monsters, aren't they cute? the first one is my fav :) here's the pattern link: http://images.cutoutandkeep.net/cutoutandkeep/pdfs/monster.pdf
I modified some of it, and now my monsters are even cuter :)
Weeded the garden and watched my new fav show: Pretty Little Liars (since Glee's not on)
Well, today.....nothing really, made a mess of my room already and gave my chem notes to Fatima. Soccer practice, cool thunder, and I saw a cloud shaped as an elephant, and at home this claw-like cloud, it looked like it came straight from Harry Potter :P
I realized that I should really stop watching TV. When I get bored I just rot in front of the tube. It's SO bad! And I am now hooked on this show called Pretty Little Liars on MuchMusic. Lame show, but soooo much drama, I can't stop!!!!
Unfortunately I didn't end up working today due to this lovely weather; there goes my $82 =(
But I did get some stuff done over the course of three days (Mon-Wed)
Cleaned and cleaned. My room is, well was, spotless and all my clothes has been placed back in my closest and such.... The kitchen is clean of my baking mess and the bathroom is rid of my clutter on the counter tops. Soccer in the evening, sadly we lost once again.
Got inspired by Threadbangers to make some plush toys. I made these three little monsters, aren't they cute? the first one is my fav :) here's the pattern link: http://images.cutoutandkeep.net/cutoutandkeep/pdfs/monster.pdf
I modified some of it, and now my monsters are even cuter :)
Weeded the garden and watched my new fav show: Pretty Little Liars (since Glee's not on)
Well, today.....nothing really, made a mess of my room already and gave my chem notes to Fatima. Soccer practice, cool thunder, and I saw a cloud shaped as an elephant, and at home this claw-like cloud, it looked like it came straight from Harry Potter :P
I realized that I should really stop watching TV. When I get bored I just rot in front of the tube. It's SO bad! And I am now hooked on this show called Pretty Little Liars on MuchMusic. Lame show, but soooo much drama, I can't stop!!!!
Avenged Sevenfold!

So many people don't know this about me but I am a closet metal head. I guess it's the crazy guitar solos or the impossible drum solos that really attract me to heavy metal. My all time favourite heavy metal band is definitely Avenged Sevenfold. I really like how they take great guitar sounds and pair it with the lead singers raspy yet strong voice. Plus, their songs are not all screamo and some of their songs really can tug at your heart strings. Their new album, Nightmare, is being released July 27 so i'm super excited for that! It was so sad to hear that the band's drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Suillivan passed away this year. We love you Jimmy and rest in peace. I really enjoy this band and I hope this post gets people interested the band. A7x for life :)
Some of my personal favourites
- A little piece of heaven
- Seize the day
- Dear God
- Nightmare
- Unholy Confessions m. shadows, lead singer
- Warmness on the soul
- Bat country
- Gunslinger

that goes where?!
SEX SEX SEX! I think more families should have open conversations about sex and sexuality. In my family, sex is not an everyday dinner conversation but it isn't a topic we avoid like the plague. In the movies you see parents awkwardly trying to avoid the trademark question, "where do babies come from?". I think it's fine to let your kid learn about the birds and the bees from really any age. Well of course not as young as babies because unless you speak goo gah blargh (drool), they will not understand you. It all depends on how much description you want to give them at that point in time. Kids will always know more about sex than their parents want them to. If you start early with sexual education, you can help your child to avoid making mistakes in the future and help the child become more mature in this sex-crazed society.
Hey Guys!
I know its summer and I'm really sorry that I haven't been blogging in a while. I've finally gotten a job and I get to watch little kids at wading pools. Its actually a pretty awesome job because you're outside all the time and you're not really doing much ;P
Today, being my day off, I hit College Square, Bayshore and Bells Corners, and basically blew my paycheck. But I did manage to get some nice things for quite cheap. The secret: WINNERS! Yep, that's the secret. I got some pretty good deals:
Hurley Board Shorts:
Original: $79.99
Paid: $16.99
Original: $128
Paid: $26.99
BCBG Sweater/Top: (I'm hoping that it won't shirnk, becasue with wool, its all weird)
Original: $140
Paid: $39.99
Billabong Jeans:
Original: $80
Paid: $19.99
I think I got some smashing good deals, don't you?
I know its summer and I'm really sorry that I haven't been blogging in a while. I've finally gotten a job and I get to watch little kids at wading pools. Its actually a pretty awesome job because you're outside all the time and you're not really doing much ;P
Today, being my day off, I hit College Square, Bayshore and Bells Corners, and basically blew my paycheck. But I did manage to get some nice things for quite cheap. The secret: WINNERS! Yep, that's the secret. I got some pretty good deals:
Hurley Board Shorts:
Original: $79.99
Paid: $16.99
Original: $128
Paid: $26.99
BCBG Sweater/Top: (I'm hoping that it won't shirnk, becasue with wool, its all weird)
Original: $140
Paid: $39.99
Billabong Jeans:
Original: $80
Paid: $19.99
I think I got some smashing good deals, don't you?
Boredom & Breaking the Bank
Hey everyone!! Sorry CFM has been incognito for the past week, you would think we would be blogging in our nice, air conditioned homes with the 40+ degree weather we have been having.
However, being locked up at home does have it's downsides, and so Fatima and I decided to roam around Ottawa all week. First was good old College Square on Tuesday night, where I spent a good $140. I must admit though, I got some good steals, including some jean shorts, a nice top, and 2 skirts. Next was venturing to Barrhaven last night to get some university ideas. Fatima ended up buying storage, etc. for the fall, while I got plenty of ideas (couldn't spend any of my non-existant money after the night before). It was a fun day, despite the disgusting humidity.
Tonight we were going to go to the pool, but I forgot it hadn't been completely renovated yet, so we hopped on a 95 and went to Place D'Orleans for 3 hours, went back towards downtown and went to Rideau, then came home.
I must say it has been a fun week, much better than staying home, despite the weather. I just have to work on controlling my shopping urges.
xoxoxo, melissa
However, being locked up at home does have it's downsides, and so Fatima and I decided to roam around Ottawa all week. First was good old College Square on Tuesday night, where I spent a good $140. I must admit though, I got some good steals, including some jean shorts, a nice top, and 2 skirts. Next was venturing to Barrhaven last night to get some university ideas. Fatima ended up buying storage, etc. for the fall, while I got plenty of ideas (couldn't spend any of my non-existant money after the night before). It was a fun day, despite the disgusting humidity.
Tonight we were going to go to the pool, but I forgot it hadn't been completely renovated yet, so we hopped on a 95 and went to Place D'Orleans for 3 hours, went back towards downtown and went to Rideau, then came home.
I must say it has been a fun week, much better than staying home, despite the weather. I just have to work on controlling my shopping urges.
xoxoxo, melissa
The Ultimate Love Story
I don't care what anyone says, but Titanic is a love story for the ages and never fails to make me bawl like a baby.
Jack & Rose, I wish all lovers could be as happy as you were, if only for a short time.
xoxo, melissa
♫ Here Comes the Bride ♫
Is it just me or are weddings getting more extravagant and expensive each year? It seems that everyone wants to top everybody else. It’s no longer solely focused on the whole aspect of loving your spouse forever, it’s about having the most amazing wedding ever, that everyone will forevermore remember. The memory of your wedding may last longer than your actual marriage.
The trend can be seen quite clearly in the media. You here of stars spending millions on just their wedding rings (got to have the biggest rock in Hollywood). Shows like: Say Yes to the Dress, Rich Bride Poor Bride, and Battle of the Wedding Designers; are feeding a new generation of girls who are already imaging their perfect day which comes with a cost. That cost isn’t even known to these girls! The wedding industry is pushing to gain more money, and its working!
On average, a newlywed couple in Canada, spends $20 000 on their weddings. That’s a lot of money! The cost for just the wedding dress of the bride alone can range from $500 to $10 000 (or more). Not to mention the cost for location, photos, food and drinks, invitations, decorations, transportation, rings, and the list goes on and on and on.....
Better start saving up soon!
And then all you’ll need to worry about, is saying “I do!”.
Summer Lovin'
Any big plans for this summer?
No? Not really? Possibly?
I wish I was overseas and visiting some lovely foreign place... but I'm here... working. Fun stuff huh?
For everyone who is stuck at home this summer here's a list of some fun stuff to do by yourself or with friends (preferrably):
- Movie Night
- Rockband / Guitar Hero Party
- Late Night Swim
- Beach Day
- Shopping
- Exploring a New Place
- Water Fun (Slipe N' Slide/waterballoons/water guns)
- Water Park
- Nature Hikes
- Zip Lining
- White Water Rafting
- Girl's Night Out
- Dance Club
- TV Show Marathon (Big Bang Theory, Glee....)
- Etc...
No? Not really? Possibly?
I wish I was overseas and visiting some lovely foreign place... but I'm here... working. Fun stuff huh?
For everyone who is stuck at home this summer here's a list of some fun stuff to do by yourself or with friends (preferrably):
- Movie Night
- Rockband / Guitar Hero Party
- Late Night Swim
- Beach Day
- Shopping
- Exploring a New Place
- Water Fun (Slipe N' Slide/waterballoons/water guns)
- Water Park
- Nature Hikes
- Zip Lining
- White Water Rafting
- Girl's Night Out
- Dance Club
- TV Show Marathon (Big Bang Theory, Glee....)
- Etc...
I am judgmental but do not judge me.
I am mean but do not be mean to me.
I am rude but do not be rude with me.
I am weak but do not underestimate me.
I am shy but do not speak over me.
I am insecure but do not take advantage of me.
This is a poem I wrote today. It has no defined ending because there is none. I don't want to close this poem with words of wisdom. Instead I want everyone to think about the poem and what it means to them. I wrote it thinking that if everyone acknowledged their flaws, we would all understand the rude cashier or the mean neighbour. That inside they all fear the same fears. That we all trip over the same stones.
I am mean but do not be mean to me.
I am rude but do not be rude with me.
I am weak but do not underestimate me.
I am shy but do not speak over me.
I am insecure but do not take advantage of me.
This is a poem I wrote today. It has no defined ending because there is none. I don't want to close this poem with words of wisdom. Instead I want everyone to think about the poem and what it means to them. I wrote it thinking that if everyone acknowledged their flaws, we would all understand the rude cashier or the mean neighbour. That inside they all fear the same fears. That we all trip over the same stones.
The Moment of Truth
Well it's finally happened... the first flying car has been approved for air space.
I remember watching The Jetsons (I still do), and marvelling at how outlandish the assumptions of the future were. I mean, living in the 1960s, I guess you would have to make estimated guesses about what life would be like 200 or 300 years from then.
So this car is called The Terrafugia Transition and has gained approval from The Federal Aviation Administration. The only one of its kind, this puppy costs a cool $194 000 USD.
Some quick manufacturer facts:
- it is being classified as a "light sport aircraft" even though it is 120 pounds over the limit
- it can carry 450 pounds
- it weights approximately 1300 pounds
- it needs at least 1700 feet of land to take off
- it has a travelling speed of 115 mph in the air, with a total range of 460 mph
- pilots/drivers only need 20 hours of training and practice in order to operate one
- it can function as a car, you just need to collapse the wings
And if you think that people are going to miss out on this investment, think again: there have been at least 70 reservations for the futuristic automobile.
Honestly, if you had the funds, who wouldn't trade the hassles of waiting in airports and going through customs for a strange, yet cool, flying apparatus?
look for this bad boy flying in an air space near you in mid 2011.
xoxo, melissa
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